Mahjong Scoring Winning Hands

Mahjong Scoring Winning Hands

Scoring Winning hands is where the rules and regional styles of play can really start to diverge. Some hands are so more difficult to put together due to the probability of drawing the exact right tiles you need.

Thirteen Orphans 十三幺

“Thirteen Orphans” is a winning hand that consists of one each of the 1 and 9 tiles from three different suits, seven honor tiles, and one pair to serve as the pair in the hand.

Great Winds 大四喜

“Great Winds” is a winning hand made up of four sets of wind tiles.

Small Winds 小四喜

“Small Winds” is a winning hand made up of three sets and one pair of wind tiles.

Great Dragons 大三元

“Great Dragons” is a winning hand that includes three sets of dragon tiles: one each of the red dragon(中), green dragon(發), and white dragon(白板).

Small Dragons 小三元

“Small Dragons” is a winning hand that includes two sets and one pair of dragon tiles: one each of the red dragon(中), green dragon(發), and white dragon(白板).

Pure Green 綠一色

“Pure Green” is a winning hand made up of sequences and sets using the 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 of bamboo tiles, along with any tiles from the green dragon.

Nine Gates 九蓮宝燈

“Nine Gates” is a special winning hand made up of a specific sequence of tiles in one suit: 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9. You cannot use any other tiles to form this hand, and if you see any tile of the same suit, you can declare it as a winning hand.

Four Kongs 四杠

“Four Kongs” is a winning hand that consists of four sets of kong tiles.

Seven Pairs 七對子

“Seven Pairs” is a winning hand made up of seven pairs of tiles that are all in a consecutive sequence from the same suit.

Orphans 清一九

“Orphans” is a winning hand that consists of sets made up of the 1 and 9 tiles, along with a pair to serve as the pair in the hand.

All Honors 字一色

“All Honors” is a winning hand made up entirely of Character tiles, consisting of four sets and a pair of character tiles.

Four Concealed Kongs 四暗刻

“Four Concealed Kongs” is a winning hand that consists of four sets of concealed Kongs.

All One Suit 清一色

“All One Suit” is a winning hand made up entirely of tiles from one suit, which can be either Dots, Bamboo, or Characters.

Mixed One Suit 混一色

“Mixed One Suit” is a winning hand that consists of tiles from two different suits along with honor tiles.